Guests line up to have their faces painted by a clown during Janine Jarrar's sixth birthday party at the Daily Grind.
Janine reacts after seeing her now painted face in a mirror. The "princess" design she chose quickly became the favorite of the afternoon.
A couple is simultaneously baptized in the James River at Robious Landing Park on the South bank of the river. The park is the site of Manakintowne, an early Huegenot settlement west of Richmond. They built their colony on the site of an abandoned Manocan Indian village. The Manocans were Souix from the Great Plains, having first migrated into the Ohio River Valley before crossing the mountains into Virginia. It was thought they numbered between 6,000 and10,000 when the early settlers arrived.
Sterling Martin waits his turn for baptism. Bon Air church baptizes in the river a couple of times a year. Members often wait to be baptized until one of these river baptisms is scheduled.
A full moon over the north bank of the James River marks the end of our anniversary day.
The artwork we purchased to commemorate our 40th anniversary.
congratulations to you both...
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