Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Jackson, Tennessee
Photography Ministry

Students from Union University in Jackson lead a photography class for underprivileged youth in an apartment complex across town from the university. They meet every Tuesday afternoon during school terms. This is the third year they have been doing it. I posted some earlier images of them on May 6 and 7, 2008.

I was asked to show some work and talk about it. During the session the group views a multimedia presentation on Kenya's Lake Nakuru. The lake is known for flamingos. Much of the movie Out of Africa was filmed at Nakuru National Park.

A child runs into the meeting room at the end of the session is scooped up by one of the participants.

Union University

It is publication night for Cardinal & Creme, the student newspaper at Union. Jim Veneman, photojournalism professor at the school and long-time friend, helps with one of the images that will run this issue.
Photographs taken with a Leica M8


Neisha said...

Touches my heart to see these faces. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Jim Veneman's hair is getting gray(er) as he stairs at that cheerleader on the screen.